Vulnerability Analysis

Vulnerability Assessment

Maintain a proactive approach to service patching with our regular internal & external vulnerability scans.
Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing

Test how effective your defences really are. Identify the security gaps in your firewalls, SIEM, IPS and internal infrastructure along with gaps in training using social engineering techniques to exploit the human element.
Simulated Breach

Simulated Breach

Benchmark your security resilience with a simulated attack utilising our state-of-the-art software to mimic advanced persistent threats and malware/ransomware attacks.
Red Team Engagement

Red Team Engagement

Gain insight into how your business practice and physical security leave your systems and data exposed to the wild.
Threat Modelling

Threat Modelling

Mitigate your liabilities and pre-empt loss utilising our professional threat modelling service to identify your key assets and combat their exposure to risk through planned segregation.
Security Awareness Training

Security Awareness Training

Armour your employees security awareness with targeted training to highlight and raise awareness of the many techniques used to trick employees into exposing your business to loss.